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Happy Legs

fishka: СТАТЬЯ С АНГЛИЙСКОГО САЙТА KENNEL CLUB против HAPPY LEGS ! Увеличение травматизма у щенков и старых собак, у собак развивается страх и недоверие.. The Kennel Club this week expressed its condemnation and concern over the use of a supposed training aid called a ‘show stacker’ within the dog showing world. Show stackers are designed to encourage dogs to learn how to stand in the show ring by forcing a dog to balance on four small raised plinths to recreate where its feet should be placed on the ground during judging. The dog is thus forced to stand still or risk falling off. The claim of outlets for the show stacker is that it can be used to train very young puppies to stand still and learn to stand-four square, or to retrain older dogs whose feet fall incorrectly when stacked in the ring. It is also claimed that the stackers are used to make dogs stand still whilst having nails or hair clipped from around the legs and feet. Stress Already popular overseas, some UK exhibitors were alarmed at their use at this year’s Westminster show, the stackers look set to try and make their mark over here, with prices ranging from around £50 for smaller dogs up to about £120 for larger breeds. The Kennel Club has expressed that it is keen to see that it does not become commonplace here said it would actively discourage anyone from using this product as it could lead to potential injury if a dog falls off, as well as risking stress and loss of confidence for the dog. Caroline Kisko, the Kennel Club’s Communications Director, told OUR DOGS: “Dog shows are very beneficial for the health, welfare and temperament of dogs. Dogs that do best within the show ring tend to be those that enjoy the experience the most. The Kennel Club sees no room within the dog show world for any device which forces dogs to stay still through fear of falling, and we strongly advocate that dogs need to enjoy showing to produce winning results. “We are particularly concerned to see that there are sites on the internet encouraging users to make their own stackers out of general materials found around the home which could lead to serious accidents if not constructed properly. We are also horrified that users are advised to put puppies on the show stackers at a very young age when they are unlikely to have the mental or physical stamina to understand what is required. This could potentially lead to behavioural problems later on in a dog’s life as a result of a bad experience.”

Ответов - 4

Alexa: Я только хотела написать - зачем оно вообще нужно. А потом прочла вот это fishka пишет: KENNEL CLUB против HAPPY LEGS ! Увеличение травматизма у щенков и старых собак, у собак развивается страх и недоверие.. С собакой надо быть в контакте, она должна быть в настроение, она же не робот.

fishka: там пишут, что использование этой штуки стало повсеместным, люди делают сами эти лапы ..и травматизм увеличился, особо это касается щенков, у которых не сфлормирована психика, они не имеют должной физич.подготовки и просто не понимают зачем их туда ставят..

Заозерье Дамон: я не понимаю зачем это делать! собака должна быть другом! зачем же так издеваться над друзьями?

fishka: ну...это отработка и закрепление навыка. но наверное они правы, на "ногах" должны заниматься молодые собаки, но не щены..

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